Buying And Bringing Home A Labradoodle Puppy: 3 Tips

Labradoodles make excellent pets. They have the friendly, loving personalities of Labradors, but the curly coats of poodles. Their fur is hypoallergenic, and they come in adorable colors ranging from deep brown to white. Bringing home a labradoodle puppy is sure to be one of the most exciting experiences of your life. However, there are a few tips you should follow to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Purchase from a "reputable" breeder.

There is a range of opinions as to what, exactly, makes a breeder reputable. Some only consider breeders reputable if they do genetic testing on all their dogs. Some believe a breeder is only reputable if they show their dogs. If you can find a breeder who does these two things, that's awesome. You may want a breeder who does not have more dogs than they can care for well, or you may want someone who only breeds their female dogs a few times each, and also someone who gets to know the people who adopt their dogs. If a breeder is selective about who they give pups to, then you can tell they really care about those pups, which is the most important thing. Labradoodles are a really popular crossbreed right now, so you should really have your choice of breeders.

Puppy-proof everything. 

Labradoodles are great dogs, but as puppies, they are very curious and very clumsy. If they can put something in their mouth, they will. If there's something loose on a low coffee table, they'll knock it off. So, before you bring your pup home, you must do thorough puppy-proofing. Even then, expect your pup to find things you forgot to put away.

Start looking for puppy classes.

Labradoodle puppies are easy to train, but they do still need training. And what they need even more than early training is early socialization. Pups who socialize with other dogs and people early on are better behaved in public and better with strangers. Puppy classes can satisfy both needs—the need for training and for socialization. However, they fill up quickly. So, start looking for puppy classes to enroll in before you bring your labradoodle home. 

Before long, your labradoodle pup will be a part of the family, and you will wonder how you ever lived without them. Follow the tips above, and don't hesitate to ask the breeder any questions you may have along the way. 

For more information, contact a local breeder that has Labradoodle puppies for sale
