How To Meet The Dietary Need Of Your Conure Parrot

A conure is a type of parrot that is very popular because of its friendly personality and colorful feathers. A conure is very cuddly and enjoys companionship. Like all parrots, the conure likes to eat, and it's important to know what type of diet your parrot will need before you get one as a pet.

Conure Parrots Eat Primarily Pellets

A conure parrot needs to eat pelleted food that is combined with seeds. Fruits and vegetables can also be included in the parrot's diet, but the pellets should make up the majority of the diet. The best types of pellets are those that are organic or all-natural.

Add Fruits and Vegetables

You will want to give your parrot a diet that includes a variety of colors because this will make it more interesting for the conure to eat. One way to do this is to add some fruits and vegetables. By adding fruits and vegetables such as pumpkins and spinach, you will be able to give your conure parrot a nutritionally balanced diet. However, you will want to make sure that your fruits and vegetables are washed to remove any pesticides. Also, make sure to not feed your parrot avocado or cocoa because it is poisonous to them. 

The primary source of protein for a conure is nuts such as peanuts and hazelnuts. However, make sure that the nuts do not have a lot of salt because this is bad for your conure bird. If you are feeding your parrot peanuts, make sure to remove the shells.

Always Make Water Available

Provide your parrot with plenty of water. Make sure that it is fresh, clean, and does not contain chlorine. You might also be able to add water-soluble vitamins to the bird's water.  Always have a bowl of water available so that your parrot can drink whenever it needs to.

Maintain a Feeding Schedule

Make sure that your conure has a specific feeding schedule. This is the best way to prevent your bird from overeating and developing health problems. Wild parrots overeat to increase their fat storage because they do not find food all the time in the wild.

Ask the Pet Store About What to Feed Your Parrot

Feeding a bird is very complicated and you might wonder if a particular option is safe for your bird. However, when you go looking for conure parrots for sale, you will always be able to ask for recommendations.

Contact a company like Dallas Parrots Aviary Inc. to learn more. 
